category: Invited Perspectives

14. “Dolorosa Mater” e “RiGenerazione.” Due video performance sulla forza generativa e curatrice del femminino

This article summarizes the artist’s poetics and her relationship with the themes of maternity and reproduction, in building feminine characters that she has interpreted in video-art projects and performances. In particular, Lolli presents here two of her works, Ri-Generazione (2017) and Mater Dolorosa (2017). Since the visual component is fundamental in her work, in order to further sketch Lolli’s own artistic path, photographs and video excerpts of her performances are included in this article.

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Gender/sexuality/Italy 4 (2017) – Table of Contents

Table of Contents – Gender/sexuality/Italy, 4 (2017)

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Journal Editor
Paola Bonifazio and Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Themed Section and Invited Perspectives Editors
Ellen Nerenberg, Open Contributions and Continuing Discussions Editor
Clarissa Clò and Laura Di Bianco, Reviews Editors
Erica Moretti, Managing Editor
Amanda Bush, Thera Dal Prà Iversen, Delphine Dall’Agata, Brian DeGrazia, Victor Xavier Zarour Zarzar

Themed Section: Girl Cultures in Italy from Early Modern to Late Capitalism.

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Girl Cultures in Italy from Early Modern to Late Capitalism. Journal Editorial

by Paola Bonifazio, Nicoletta Marini-Maio, and Ellen Nerenberg

The editorial includes the Editors’ introductions to their respective areas: Paola Bonifazio and Nicoletta Marini-Maio discuss the Themed Section and the Invited Perspectives; Ellen Nerenberg presents the Open Contributions and the new section, Continuing Discussions, which hosts informed voices on themes developed in previous issues of g/s/i.


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6. ‘Come fossi una bambola?’ Girlhood Studies and Memory in Italy

by Danielle Hipkins

This brief, reflective piece considers the function and nature of the memory of girlhood culture, and how that signifies in relation to narratives of the self, in the context of broader discursive constructions of girlhood.

Cover picture:  Barbie – The Icon Exhibition at Complesso del Vittoriano, May 2016. Courtesy of Danielle Hipkins.


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7. Girls and the Media: Girlhood Studies Agenda and Prospects in Italy

by Romana Andò

Within the Italian context, girlhood studies can hardly be considered a specific field: adolescence and gender construction in Italy have historically been investigated by sociology and psychology, although, in recent years, media studies have also focused on youth media consumption as a cultural process in the broader sense, investigating the relevance of the media in the identity-building process. Actually, the lack of a definition of girlhood studies as such did not prevent Italian research from providing theoretical contributions and significant research on girlhood,

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8. Le adolescenti che per caso ho raccontato nel mio Cinema

by Anne-Riita Ciccone

The filmmaker explains her interest in adolescence and discusses the topic and genesis of the
short Victims. She provides details on her feature I’M and on its young leading actress.

Click to watch the trailer.

The short Victims is available online on the website. In Italian. Web. Accessed 27 July 2017.


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9. In un cerchio perfetto

by Laura Samani

In this essay, Laura Samani addresses the rich symbolism of the theme of adolescence as it appears in her short film La santa che dorme. She describes adolescence as an internal war waged between the desire to grow up and the fear of leaving behind the securities of childhood. Samani analyzes her own adolescent experiences under the watchful eyes of the Church and adults, and the double natured friendship/rivalries as they resonate in the short film.

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It’s Not Only a Matter of Pronouns.  Journal Editorial

by Nicoletta Marini-Maio

The editorial describes the genesis and structure of g/s/i 3, 2016. The author contextualizes the theme of gender and language making reference to the Anglophone world and the romance languages. She briefly discusses the contemporary debate on gender and language in Italy, drawing examples from gender markers in job titles in the Italian public discourse. She emphasizes how the current issue of g/s/i goes beyond the heteronormative framework.


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Ricostruire il genere attraverso il linguaggio: per un uso della lingua (italiana) non sessista e non omotransfobico

by Michela Baldo, Fabio Corbisiero, and Pietro Maturi – Guest Editors

The guest editors’ introduction to the themed section focuses, on the one hand, on the resources that languages can draw on in order to adapt the use of grammatical gender to account for more equal relationships between men and women, and on the other hand on the fact that the use of the so-called “neuter masculine” in political and everyday discourses and in languages such as Italian,

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