category: Open Contributions

13. Italian Office Workers from Comedy Italian Style to Ugo Fantozzi: A Gendered Perspective

Represented as a male-dominated space, the office is a privileged site of production of masculine identities in comedy Italian style. The high-ranking male clerical worker is therein depicted as a paradigm of successful masculinity in the Italian economy’s boom years. A trademark of successful masculinity, office design and its filmic representations has evolved throughout the decades, to reflect status and rank, and also a muted aesthetic taste. Comedy Italian style was not the first to represent office interior space as much as to appropriate it (alongside the restaurant,

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14. Anorexic symptoms in Clara Sereni’s Casalinghitudine

Structured like a cookbook, the autobiographical novel Casalinghitudine (1987) by Clara Sereni uses food preparation, consumption, and preservation as a narrative mechanism to reflect on the protagonist’s journey towards self-awareness and gender and ethnic identity formation. The highly subjective nature of this text is immediately obvious in several ways, such as the assertive tone of the recipes through the predominance of the agent ‘I’ and the overall organization of the book that unusually starts with a section on baby food. 

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15. Cosa scrivevano le donne di fine Ottocento? Il contributo italiano alla Woman’s Building Library della World Fair di Chicago (1893)

Questo saggio presenta la ricostruzione della lista di libri inviati dall’Italia alla Woman’s Building Library della Fiera Mondiale di Chicago del 1893. I 222 testi, radunati nel corso di pochi mesi da Alice Howard Cady e Fanny Zampini Salazar, diventarono parte della prima biblioteca pubblica al mondo interamente dedicata alla scrittura al femminile. In quanto tali, costituiscono una testimonianza eccezionale della partecipazione delle donne italiane alla letteratura ed alle scienze mondiali. Discutendo le tipologie e i generi dei testi,

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Girl Cultures in Italy from Early Modern to Late Capitalism. Journal Editorial

by Paola Bonifazio, Nicoletta Marini-Maio, and Ellen Nerenberg

The editorial includes the Editors’ introductions to their respective areas: Paola Bonifazio and Nicoletta Marini-Maio discuss the Themed Section and the Invited Perspectives; Ellen Nerenberg presents the Open Contributions and the new section, Continuing Discussions, which hosts informed voices on themes developed in previous issues of g/s/i.


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10. The Importance of Being Ernesto: Queerness and Multidirectional Desire in Umberto Saba’s Unfinished Novel

by Paolo Frascà

This article explores Umberto Saba’s (1983-1957) only and unfinished novel, Ernesto (1975), from the perspective of sexuality and Queer studies, while also paying attention to the novel’s language and its autobiographical underpinnings. By examining aspects of the work that render it an important testimony of queer desire, this essay aims to shine a light on Ernesto as an important Italian literary text and on the text’s ability to reveal significant and timeless aspects of the human condition,

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11. La Gaia Piazza. Le orme del movimento gay nella Parma negli anni Settanta

by Antonella Grassi

This article aims to explore the gay movement of Parma in the 1970s, to show its implicit, ante litteram consonance with the queer discourse. The ability to reinvent itself was the peculiar feature of the Parma group, always aware of the constant evolution of artistic forms: this made it a unique case in Italy, as well as a privileged point of view for studying the evolution of the national gay movement.

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11. Fifty Shades, Feminism and Gender Stereotypes: Notes on Researching BDSM

by Laura Zambelli

In this article I develop some reflections on my research on BDSM (bondage, domination and submission, sadism and masochism) in Italy. I comment the success of the book Fifty Shades paralleled by a tepid welcome received from the BDSM community of Milan, Italy. Empirical research on BDSM in Italy is, and was, not widespread; I briefly present the existing academic literature. Then, I reflect on the connections between BDSM and feminism both internationally and in the Italian context,

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12. Nessuno tocchi Guizzino. Gli albi illustrati in Italia tra “teoria gender,” false interpretazioni e censura.

by Simone Fornara

Picture books are a genre of children’s literature with enormous educational potential. Their use in classrooms is currently spreading and should be further encouraged. Picture books are particularly suitable for the treatment of sensitive issues, such as those related to gender. For this reason, many educational projects are focused on reading picture books and aim at promoting them, in and outside of the classroom. But in reality, these projects have to face opposite points of view,

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13. Precarious Masculinity: Intersections of Race, Gender, and Desire in Claudio Giovannesi’s Alì ha gli occhi azzurri

by Lisa Dolasinski

This article examines the precarious masculinity performed by Nader Sarhan, the male migrant protagonist featured in Claudio Giovannesi’s Alì ha gli occhi azzurri (2012). The theoretical framework draws on scholarship from postcolonial studies, film theory, queer theory, and gender studies. In particular, following recent work on representations of non-national male migrant film protagonists as “queer” and thus inassimilable to the national Italian body, the author contends that Nader’s desire for “white,” hegemonic masculinity (sexual and civic) ultimately results in his own undoing.

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