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Conservative Feminism / Femminismi di destra. Journal Editorial

Journal Editorial by Ombretta Frau (Guest Editor), Juliet Guzzetta (Guest Editor), Paola Bonifazio (Invited Perspectives Editor), Nicoletta Marini-Maio (General Editor)

The editorial includes the Editors’ and Guest Editors’ introductions to their respective areas.


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2.Anna Franchi, scrittrice e attivista bifronte: Avanti il divorzio e la cultura antropologica positivista

by Cristina Gragnani

Il romanzo Avanti il divorzio (1902) di Anna Franchi, emblematico dell’attivismo della scrittrice per i diritti delle donne nel contesto del Partito Socialista Italiano, è una pietra miliare nella letteratura femminista italiana del Novecento. Il romanzo è conosciuto nell’ambito degli studi di genere italiani per il coraggio e l’onestà con cui denuncia, ancor prima del noto Una donna di Sibilla Aleramo (1906), gli abusi del patriarcato sull’esistenza individuale,

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3.Futurist Genealogies of Giorgia Meloni’s Conservative Feminism

by Erin Larkin

When looking for literary and cultural genealogies for Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s first female prime minister and co-founder of the ultraconservative Fratelli d’Italia, the women of Italian Futurism offer a revealing perspective. The historical avant-garde provides examples of the rhetoric of exceptionalism that continues to mark conservative feminism, particularly in the work of Benedetta Cappa. Meloni’s refrain—“Io sono Giorgia, sono una donna, sono una madre, sono italiana, sono cristiana”—reflects the same themes of nation,

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4.Il lato oscuro della maternità: Il femminismo di Eugenia Roccella

by Veronica Frigeni

Eugenia Maria Roccella was appointed Minister for Family, Natality and Equal Opportunities in the government headed by Giorgia Meloni on October 22, 2022. The article engages Roccella’s idiosyncratic post-feminism, examining its conservative, populist and maternalist stance and assessing how it positions itself in relation to existing paradigms of sexual difference and queer feminism. In particular, reading the Minister’s theoretical and literary texts alongside her parliamentary speeches and interviews, the article interrogates Roccella’s discursive construction of motherhood from a pro-life,

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5.Eowyn (1976-1982): politica, fantasy e genealogia femminile a destra

by Jordi Valentini

Seeking to counteract left-wing youth movements in the shared terrain of alternative publishing, right-wing youth in the 1970s discovered and appropriated Tolkien’s work, partly due to the general disdain or indifference towards him from the Italian left-leaning public and intellectuals. Tolkien’s anti-modern and traditionalist world became a refuge for a disillusioned generation critical of the Italian Social Movement (Movimento Sociale Italiano), the main conservative party, for its outdated structure and its unwillingness to give younger people a voice.

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6.Almost like a Virgin: Strategic Appropriation of Marian Symbolism, femminismo della differenza, and Fascist Feminism in Giorgia Meloni’s “Reverse Discourse.”

by Diletta Pasetti and Nicoletta Marini-Maio

This article undertakes a critical examination of Giorgia Meloni’s self-narrative of professional success and motherhood, situating it in dialogue with the symbolic and theological constructs associated with the Virgin Mary. By drawing on Mariological discourse, the study interrogates how Meloni’s articulation of her personal and political identity leverages iconic representations of femininity to reinforce or subvert established paradigms of gender and authority. It explores how Meloni draws on Mariology to shape her views on female agency and women’s roles in society,

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7.“Il Presidente” Giorgia Meloni. Right-Wing “Feminism,” Queerness, and Gender Neutrality in Contemporary Italian Politics

by Amanda Minervini

Gender neutrality has recently entered the discourse on and within Italian language and culture while the war among genders is still unresolved. Teaching genderneutral/nonbinary Italian is a form of activism, and a way to teach inclusively while responding actively to changes occurring in both US and Italian culture. In this context, which shows how a portion of Italian speakers wants to move towards inclusion and modernity, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni,

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2.Osceno all’italiana: Tracce per una storia del concetto

by Silvia Rodeschini

This article outlines the history of the idea of obscenity in Italian law and media governance provisions. Starting from the formulation of the articles concerning obscenity of the Italian penal code of the thirties, the analysis follows the shift in the meaning of modesty in the subsequent transformations of the rules governing the distribution of obscene material until the 2000s. This reconstruction tries to make explicit the idea of sexual pleasure and its dangers implicit in some juridical texts and to outline how norms try to situate adult content in specific spaces of consumption.

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3.Oltre le gambe c’è di più: Analisi del rapporto con la politica e il femminismo nei casi di Cicciolina, Moana Pozzi e Valentina Nappi

by Sofia Torre

This essay aims to read the relationship between pornographic obscenity and political communication strategies by investigating the cases of Ilona Staller, elected among the ranks of the Radical Party in 1987, and Moana Pozzi, who joined the Party of Love in 1992. Secondly, the essay’s purpose is to analyze the contemporary anti-feminist activism of Valentina Nappi on social networks.The analysis, carried out through the methodological criteria of political communication and media studies,

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