category: Themed Section

9. Verso la decostruzione dei ruoli genitoriali: il caso degli albi illustrati arcobaleno in Italia

In Italy, same-sex families are now a prominent reality despite the lack of legal and social recognition. Schools and families, for example, are still embarrassed and unprepared when talking about same-sex families. Since teachers, educators, and parents are usually not informed about homo-affective families and non-traditional family dynamics, this study suggests using books, and specifically picture books, as an educational tool that may help children in considering new points of view and reflecting upon unfamiliar and sometimes distant realities.

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Girl Cultures in Italy from Early Modern to Late Capitalism. Journal Editorial

by Paola Bonifazio, Nicoletta Marini-Maio, and Ellen Nerenberg

The editorial includes the Editors’ introductions to their respective areas: Paola Bonifazio and Nicoletta Marini-Maio discuss the Themed Section and the Invited Perspectives; Ellen Nerenberg presents the Open Contributions and the new section, Continuing Discussions, which hosts informed voices on themes developed in previous issues of g/s/i.


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1. Girlhood Constructed: Portrayals of Childhood in Italian Renaissance Biographies

by Sienna Hopkins

This article explores the divergent representations of girlhood in female commemorative biographies from the early 16th century and the spiritually exemplary biographies of secular women in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. While the commemorative biographies of Battista Sforza, Bianca Maria Sforza and Irene di Spilimbergo follow the traditional tropes of childhood representation for the genre, they nonetheless embody a fuller representation and acceptance of girlhood than that of the later,

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2. The Oratorio Femminile: Young Women’s Socialization and Growth in Post-War Italy

by Daniela Cavallaro

The few academic studies which look at the development and goals of the Catholic youth centres known as oratori tend to privilege the oratorio maschile over its all-girl counterpart. This article aims to bring to light the experience of the oratorio femminile as an important moment of socialization and growth for girls, teenagers and young women in the post-World War II years. It first provides a brief introduction regarding the origins and development of the oratory in Italy.

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3. Scrivere dalla parte delle bambine: infanzia e adolescenza femminile nella narrativa di Alice Ceresa

by Viola Ardeni

L’articolo propone un’analisi dell’espressione e rappresentazione dell’infanzia femminile nei due romanzi della scrittrice italo-svizzera Alice Ceresa (1923-2003), La figlia prodiga del 1967 e Bambine del 1990, alle quali Ceresa dà un’originale impronta sperimentale oltre che femminista. Si mostra che l’attenzione all’infanzia femminile sia indicativa non solo di una costante contenutistica delle opere ceresiane, ma costituisca anche una scelta ideologica: una bambina in crescita è, per Ceresa,

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4. Rita Pavone’s Musicarelli: Rethinking Genre and (Young) Women’s Representation

by Stephanie Hotz

This essay examines Rita Pavone’s star image and musical films of the 1960s, including a close analysis of two of her most famous musicarelli, Rita la zanzara (Rita the Mosquito, 1966) and its sequel Non stuzzicate la zanzara (Don’t Sting the Mosquito, 1967). While studies on the postwar “woman’s film” have focused primarily on melodramas,

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5. Non è la Rai, or: On the Becoming-Girl of Late Capitalism

by Elisa Cuter

This paper focuses on Non è la Rai, a TV show aired on Silvio Berlusconi’s broadcasting channels between 1991 and 1994. Through the analysis of the program a connection emerges between three macro-phenomena: postmodern aesthetics; Berlusconism (as a specific and national embodiment of larger concepts like capitalism and neoliberalism) and the fundamental role of “girlhood” in the first two. In particular, it proves that the neoliberal strategy could not have been effective without an unprecedented increase in the importance of the symbolic category of girlhood in Italian society,

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It’s Not Only a Matter of Pronouns.  Journal Editorial

by Nicoletta Marini-Maio

The editorial describes the genesis and structure of g/s/i 3, 2016. The author contextualizes the theme of gender and language making reference to the Anglophone world and the romance languages. She briefly discusses the contemporary debate on gender and language in Italy, drawing examples from gender markers in job titles in the Italian public discourse. She emphasizes how the current issue of g/s/i goes beyond the heteronormative framework.


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Ricostruire il genere attraverso il linguaggio: per un uso della lingua (italiana) non sessista e non omotransfobico

by Michela Baldo, Fabio Corbisiero, and Pietro Maturi – Guest Editors

The guest editors’ introduction to the themed section focuses, on the one hand, on the resources that languages can draw on in order to adapt the use of grammatical gender to account for more equal relationships between men and women, and on the other hand on the fact that the use of the so-called “neuter masculine” in political and everyday discourses and in languages such as Italian,

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1. Asimmetrie semantiche di genere: un’analisi sull’italiano del corpus itWaC

by Chiara Nardone

La presente ricerca si propone di analizzare se e in quale misura alcuni dei sostantivi femminili designanti ruoli e professioni siano ancora caratterizzati da un’asimmetria semantica peggiorativa rispetto ai corrispettivi maschili. L’analisi è stata effettuata su itWaC, uno dei corpora più ampi disponibili per la lingua italiana e si è concentrata in primo luogo sul numero di frequenze e sui collocati dei sostantivi analizzati. I risultati dimostrano che effettivamente i sostantivi segretaria,

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