category: Videos

8. Le adolescenti che per caso ho raccontato nel mio Cinema

by Anne-Riita Ciccone

The filmmaker explains her interest in adolescence and discusses the topic and genesis of the
short Victims. She provides details on her feature I’M and on its young leading actress.

Click to watch the trailer.

The short Victims is available online on the website. In Italian. Web. Accessed 27 July 2017.


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9. In un cerchio perfetto

by Laura Samani

In this essay, Laura Samani addresses the rich symbolism of the theme of adolescence as it appears in her short film La santa che dorme. She describes adolescence as an internal war waged between the desire to grow up and the fear of leaving behind the securities of childhood. Samani analyzes her own adolescent experiences under the watchful eyes of the Church and adults, and the double natured friendship/rivalries as they resonate in the short film.

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9. AAIS 2016 Roundtable on Gender and Language: Language Inclusivity and the Subversion of Hegemonic Notions of Gender and Sexuality

by Michela Baldo, Serena Bassi, Juliet Guzzetta, Cinzia Russi

This roundtable was organized by Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Editor of gender/sexuality/italy, and Michela Baldo at the American Association for Italian Studies annual convention in Baton Rouge (AAIS) in April 2016. The presenters covered such topics as language inclusivity, misogynistic and asymmetrical uses of language, heteronormativity and homophobia in language, gender asymmetry in historical linguistics, grammatical norms, and trasnlingual practices. A lively discussion among the roundtable presenters and audience followed.

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14. L’alfabeto della violenza. Lo spettacolo Doppio Taglio e le rappresentazioni del femminicidio nei media italiani

L’alfabeto della violenza. Lo spettacolo Doppio Taglio e le rappresentazioni del femminicidio nei media italiani

by Cristina Gamberi

According to statistics by international organizations and Italian anti-violence centers, male violence is the first cause of death for women in Italy. One woman out of three experiences male violence, in various forms: harassment at work, rape, threat, or humiliation. However, considering the complexity of this phenomenon, how do Italian newspapers narrate feminicide?

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Dirigere attori e attrici

di Marina Spada

Marina Spada: Directing Actors and Actresses

Marina Spada parla del suo lavoro di regista e del suo rapporto con attori e attrici. In italiano, con sottotitoli in inglese.

Marina Spada talks about her work as a director of and of her relationship with actresses and actors. In Italian, with English subtitles.


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