Gender / sexuality / italy
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Italian Masculinity as Queer

Italian Masculinity as Queer: An Immoderate Proposal

by John Champagne

This essay investigates a particularly polemical claim: that, throughout much of Western history, Italian masculinity and male sexuality have been represented in the literary and fine arts as “queer” in the specific sense of deconstructing the binaries masculine/feminine and homosexual/heterosexual.  Briefly surveying some of the historical circumstances that have overdetermined Italian masculinity and male sexuality as queer, the essay then follows one theme—the status of Greek models of homoerotic relationships between men—through some of the extant historical and literary accounts,

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Against their Will

Against their Will: Deconstructing the Myth of the Heroic Rapist in Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso and Machiavelli’s La Mandragola

by Scott Nelson

There are no words that encapsulate the idea of the heroic rapist better than the ones used by Susan Brownmiller in her book Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. She writes: “As man conquers the world, so too he conquers the female.” Throughout history no theme rules the masculine imagination more often and with less honor than the myth of the heroic rapist.

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Dirigere attori e attrici

di Marina Spada

Marina Spada: Directing Actors and Actresses

Marina Spada parla del suo lavoro di regista e del suo rapporto con attori e attrici. In italiano, con sottotitoli in inglese.

Marina Spada talks about her work as a director of and of her relationship with actresses and actors. In Italian, with English subtitles.


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An Unsolved Case

di Susanna Nicchiarelli

A woman film director’s reflection on her work with male actors. The piece begins with the author’s recollection of her strong emotional reaction to the trivialization of the female character impersonated by Sissy Spacek in JFK, that she saw in her adolescence. She explains how gendered motivations, rejection of stereotypes, personal emotions, and respect for the spectators have guided her in her two features with leading actresses and supporting actors.

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