Gender / sexuality / italy
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gender/sexuality/italy 9 (2022) – Table of Contents

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Journal Editor
Paola Bonifazio, Invited Perspectives Editor
Giovanna Maina, Sergio Rigoletto, and Federico Zecca, Guest Editors
Erica Moretti and Colleen Ryan, Reviews Editors
Guido Capaccioli, Samantha Gillen, and Lisa Dolasinski, Managing Editors
Beatrice Basile, Leonardo Cabrini, Deion Dresser, and Valerio Rossi, Assistant Editors

Journal Editorial

PAOLA BONIFAZIO, University of Texas at Austin
GIOVANNA MAINA, Università degli Studi di Torino
SERGIO RIGOLETTO, University of Groningen

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Italy Talks Porn: Porn Studies in Italy. Journal Editorial

Journal Editorial by Paola Bonifazio (Invited Perspectives Editor), Giovanna Maina (Guest Editor), Nicoletta Marini-Maio (General Editor), Sergio Rigoletto (Guest Editor), Federico Zecca (Guest Editor)

The editorial includes the Editors’ and Guest Editors’ introductions to their respective areas.


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1.On female collaborations within the frame of audience research: A Girls’ Eye View between changes, chances and challenges

In this brief piece we discuss the role of collaboration in our research project, A Girls’ Eye View, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the UK in 2021. The project is both the result and the ongoing story of multiple collaborations, mostly all-female collaborations, between academic scholars of different generations, schools, teachers, students, and female professionals in the field of Italian media productions. The main objective is to understand the relationship (if there is one) between Italian TV and cinema content and young female audiences.

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2.Osceno all’italiana: Tracce per una storia del concetto

by Silvia Rodeschini

This article outlines the history of the idea of obscenity in Italian law and media governance provisions. Starting from the formulation of the articles concerning obscenity of the Italian penal code of the thirties, the analysis follows the shift in the meaning of modesty in the subsequent transformations of the rules governing the distribution of obscene material until the 2000s. This reconstruction tries to make explicit the idea of sexual pleasure and its dangers implicit in some juridical texts and to outline how norms try to situate adult content in specific spaces of consumption.

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3.Oltre le gambe c’è di più: Analisi del rapporto con la politica e il femminismo nei casi di Cicciolina, Moana Pozzi e Valentina Nappi

by Sofia Torre

This essay aims to read the relationship between pornographic obscenity and political communication strategies by investigating the cases of Ilona Staller, elected among the ranks of the Radical Party in 1987, and Moana Pozzi, who joined the Party of Love in 1992. Secondly, the essay’s purpose is to analyze the contemporary anti-feminist activism of Valentina Nappi on social networks.The analysis, carried out through the methodological criteria of political communication and media studies,

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4.“Pornoestetica” familiare: La parentela erotica in Rosario Gallardo

by Roberto Paolo Malaspina

This contribution focuses on the symbolic form of the family—as a topos and stereotype of Italian culture—investigating its intersections with sexuality, cinematic, and post-pornographic representations. Starting from the analysis of the disciplinary family in Foucault, this article shows, through the lens of queer and performative gender theories, the possibility of disorienting the normative status of the family and its cinematic representations.

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