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5.Exploring Italian Forbidden Imaginaries: Research on Porn Tubes Pornhub and XNXX

by Gaia Peruzzi and Angelica Spampinato

The advent of digital platforms has caused an unprecedented revolution in the world of pornography. Today pornographic platforms, or porn tubes, are the main containers of adult entertainment, making a huge variety of pornographies immediately accessible to largest audience. Porn tubes have changed both the production and the use of pornography, so much so that the entire hard industry has been forced to rethink its business by channeling it into the new medium. 

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6.La sessuopolitica del porno: L’hard di Silvio Bandinelli e Mario Salieri

by Pietro Adamo

In the twentieth century many historians, philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists have emphasized the relationship between sexuality and politics, giving in the meantime a new sense—much more political—to pornography and its historical developments. But pornography, especially after its almost worldwide legal legitimation (between Sixties and Eighties), seems to present a singular antinomy: on the one hand the various pornographic practices—writing, movies, live performances, photos—seem to enforce a liberationist ideology, aimed against traditional ways of looking to sexuality,

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7.Cosa resterà di questi anni porno? Fenomenologia della post-pornografia fra tv e Twitch

by Bruno Surace

If the context of online cultures has definitively reshaped the way in which online content is produced and enjoyed, this also applies to mainstream pornography. This is rapidly passing (or has passed) from a “traditional” fruition context to a new “post-pornographic” structure, in which live streaming through webcams and one-to-one customized content replace the classic tube sites. These new pornographic dynamics, certainly consolidated in the pandemic context, take on a particular cultural relevance when they are subjected to processes of effective normalization of porn,

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8.Interview with Teresa Ciabatti: The Least Beloved, The Most Free

by Marta Cerreti

In January 2022, I met with Italian contemporary writer Teresa Ciabatti to discuss her latest works and her experience as a woman writer in a male-dominated industry. By drawing on Ciabatti’s best-known work La più amata (2017), the title of this interview addresses a common issue for women writers: they are welcome in the literary industry provided they follow the established rules. Since 2017, Teresa Ciabatti has continuously broken conventions,

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