Tag: Conservative feminism

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4.Il lato oscuro della maternità: Il femminismo di Eugenia Roccella

by Veronica Frigeni

Eugenia Maria Roccella was appointed Minister for Family, Natality and Equal Opportunities in the government headed by Giorgia Meloni on October 22, 2022. The article engages Roccella’s idiosyncratic post-feminism, examining its conservative, populist and maternalist stance and assessing how it positions itself in relation to existing paradigms of sexual difference and queer feminism. In particular, reading the Minister’s theoretical and literary texts alongside her parliamentary speeches and interviews, the article interrogates Roccella’s discursive construction of motherhood from a pro-life,

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6.Almost like a Virgin: Strategic Appropriation of Marian Symbolism, femminismo della differenza, and Fascist Feminism in Giorgia Meloni’s “Reverse Discourse.”

by Diletta Pasetti and Nicoletta Marini-Maio

This article undertakes a critical examination of Giorgia Meloni’s self-narrative of professional success and motherhood, situating it in dialogue with the symbolic and theological constructs associated with the Virgin Mary. By drawing on Mariological discourse, the study interrogates how Meloni’s articulation of her personal and political identity leverages iconic representations of femininity to reinforce or subvert established paradigms of gender and authority. It explores how Meloni draws on Mariology to shape her views on female agency and women’s roles in society,

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