Tag: gender

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8.Giorgia Meloni’s Italy: Conservative Feminism / Femminismi di destra. In conversazione con Dacia Maraini, Flavia Perina, Marina Terragni, and Nathasha Edirippulige Fernando

by Ombretta Frau and Juliet Guzzetta

We envisioned this Invited Perspectives section as a space for dialogue with Italian public intellectuals from different political backgrounds, experiences, and even evolving positions. To our delight, Nathasha Edirippulige Fernando, Dacia Maraini, Flavia Perina, and Marina Terragni agreed to participate in our project. Our goal for this section was to discuss women and feminism in Italy in a succinct and direct manner following Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s historic election.

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5.Exploring Italian Forbidden Imaginaries: Research on Porn Tubes Pornhub and XNXX

by Gaia Peruzzi and Angelica Spampinato

The advent of digital platforms has caused an unprecedented revolution in the world of pornography. Today pornographic platforms, or porn tubes, are the main containers of adult entertainment, making a huge variety of pornographies immediately accessible to largest audience. Porn tubes have changed both the production and the use of pornography, so much so that the entire hard industry has been forced to rethink its business by channeling it into the new medium. 

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gender/sexuality/italy 8 (2021) – Table of Contents

gender/sexuality/italy, 8 (2021) 

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Journal Editor
Paola Bonifazio, Invited Perspectives Editor
Ellen Nerenberg, Open Contributions and Continuing Discussions Editor
Erica Moretti and Colleen Ryan, Reviews Editors
Victor Xavier Zarour Zarzar and Lisa Dolasinski, Managing Editors
Arianna Avalle, Beatrice Basile, Leonardo Cabrini, Magda Collazo, Jacob DeCarli, Samantha Gillen, Katherine Travers, Assistant Editors

Table of Contents

Journal Editorial
NICOLETTA MARINI-MAIO, Dickinson College, 

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2.Il paradigma dell’intersezionalità: Migrazione e disparità lavorativa in Italia

by Claudia Santoni

The essay traces the emergence of the framework of intersectionality in the evolution of feminist theory in a contemporary key. The intersectionality perspective allows us to identify the oppression of women in its various configurations, showing female subjectivities that differ in terms of ethnicity, culture, religion, race. All forms of inequality, therefore, have an intersectional character being the product of the interaction of different factors which then affect the opportunities and choices of individuals.

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12. New Challenges for Human Reproduction: “Cross-Border Reproductive Care” and “Social Egg Freezing”

This article investigates the practices of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) through a sociological approach, with an eye to the political and legal issues relating to the process of the medicalization of human reproduction. It focuses on the most recent challenges in this field: “cross-border reproductive care” and “social egg freezing”. These two issues are analysed by looking at both the European and the Italian context, highlighting differences, contradictions and inequalities with regard to legal frameworks,

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1. Girlhood Constructed: Portrayals of Childhood in Italian Renaissance Biographies

by Sienna Hopkins

This article explores the divergent representations of girlhood in female commemorative biographies from the early 16th century and the spiritually exemplary biographies of secular women in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. While the commemorative biographies of Battista Sforza, Bianca Maria Sforza and Irene di Spilimbergo follow the traditional tropes of childhood representation for the genre, they nonetheless embody a fuller representation and acceptance of girlhood than that of the later,

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2. The Oratorio Femminile: Young Women’s Socialization and Growth in Post-War Italy

by Daniela Cavallaro

The few academic studies which look at the development and goals of the Catholic youth centres known as oratori tend to privilege the oratorio maschile over its all-girl counterpart. This article aims to bring to light the experience of the oratorio femminile as an important moment of socialization and growth for girls, teenagers and young women in the post-World War II years. It first provides a brief introduction regarding the origins and development of the oratory in Italy.

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3. Scrivere dalla parte delle bambine: infanzia e adolescenza femminile nella narrativa di Alice Ceresa

by Viola Ardeni

L’articolo propone un’analisi dell’espressione e rappresentazione dell’infanzia femminile nei due romanzi della scrittrice italo-svizzera Alice Ceresa (1923-2003), La figlia prodiga del 1967 e Bambine del 1990, alle quali Ceresa dà un’originale impronta sperimentale oltre che femminista. Si mostra che l’attenzione all’infanzia femminile sia indicativa non solo di una costante contenutistica delle opere ceresiane, ma costituisca anche una scelta ideologica: una bambina in crescita è, per Ceresa,

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4. Rita Pavone’s Musicarelli: Rethinking Genre and (Young) Women’s Representation

by Stephanie Hotz

This essay examines Rita Pavone’s star image and musical films of the 1960s, including a close analysis of two of her most famous musicarelli, Rita la zanzara (Rita the Mosquito, 1966) and its sequel Non stuzzicate la zanzara (Don’t Sting the Mosquito, 1967). While studies on the postwar “woman’s film” have focused primarily on melodramas,

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5. Non è la Rai, or: On the Becoming-Girl of Late Capitalism

by Elisa Cuter

This paper focuses on Non è la Rai, a TV show aired on Silvio Berlusconi’s broadcasting channels between 1991 and 1994. Through the analysis of the program a connection emerges between three macro-phenomena: postmodern aesthetics; Berlusconism (as a specific and national embodiment of larger concepts like capitalism and neoliberalism) and the fundamental role of “girlhood” in the first two. In particular, it proves that the neoliberal strategy could not have been effective without an unprecedented increase in the importance of the symbolic category of girlhood in Italian society,

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