26. Stars and Masculinities in Contemporary Italian Cinema by Catherine O’Rawe
Book Review: Stars and Masculinities in Contemporary Italian Cinema by Catherine O’Rawe
by Elena Dalla Torre
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15781/25k1-1f64
gender/sexuality/italy is an online annual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on gendered identities and the ways they intersect with and produce Italian politics, culture, and society.
Book Review: Stars and Masculinities in Contemporary Italian Cinema by Catherine O’Rawe
by Elena Dalla Torre
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15781/25k1-1f64
Voracious Dolls and Competent Chefs: Negotiating Femininities and Masculinities in Italian Food Advertisements of the 1990s-2010s
by Francesca Calamita
Food advertisements on Italian television and other media are populated by glamorous angels of the house, who look after their families by nourishing them with healthy food, or voracious dolls, whose appetite recalls sexual hunger. Similarly, men are depicted as breadwinners, thus reinforcing their stereotypical role in the collective imaginary,
Il doppio fantastico e la decostruzione del femminino in La doppia ora
di Andrea Bini
L’articolo esplora il tema dell’inconscio e del fantastico nel film di Giuseppe Capotondi, La doppia ora (2009) allo scopo di riflettere sulla corrispondenza tra mascolinità, femminilità e forme narrative. In particolare, si mostra come il personaggio maschile, ossessionato da una mania di controllo della realtà, proietti la propria ansia di castrazione sulla femme fatale,
Virilità fascista e mascolinità berlusconiana nella ricezione di Vincere
di Valerio Coladonato
La ricezione del film Vincere (Marco Bellocchio, 2009) fornisce un utile banco di prova per osservare il modo in cui le figure di Silvio Berlusconi e Benito Mussolini sono state affiancate nel discorso pubblico in Italia. L’accoglienza critica e le reazioni della stampa al film mostrano come una certa concezione della mascolinità abbia contribuito a forgiare la connessione tra i due uomini politici.
Forging the New man: World War I Narratives for Children
by Marisa Giorgi
This article examines the role of children’s literature as a tool in Mussolini’s anthropological revolution. A discussion of the regime’s goals to fascistize children’s leisure-time literature and the conciliation between the state and the Catholic Church provides context for an analysis of the conversion scenes from Eros Belloni’s Guerra! Romanzo fascista per i giovani (1933) and Antonio Beltramelli’s La grande diana (1934).
Italian Masculinity as Queer: An Immoderate Proposal
by John Champagne
This essay investigates a particularly polemical claim: that, throughout much of Western history, Italian masculinity and male sexuality have been represented in the literary and fine arts as “queer” in the specific sense of deconstructing the binaries masculine/feminine and homosexual/heterosexual. Briefly surveying some of the historical circumstances that have overdetermined Italian masculinity and male sexuality as queer, the essay then follows one theme—the status of Greek models of homoerotic relationships between men—through some of the extant historical and literary accounts,
Against their Will: Deconstructing the Myth of the Heroic Rapist in Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso and Machiavelli’s La Mandragola
by Scott Nelson
There are no words that encapsulate the idea of the heroic rapist better than the ones used by Susan Brownmiller in her book Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. She writes: “As man conquers the world, so too he conquers the female.” Throughout history no theme rules the masculine imagination more often and with less honor than the myth of the heroic rapist.